Competitive intelligence & Information Security Advisor
Executive Master of Economic Crime Investigation
Stéphane Koch carries out advice and training missions in economic intelligence, strategic scanning, information confidentiality and informational risk. Holder of a degree in Telecommunication and Public Relations, he is also a Executive Master in Economic Crime Investigations .
Stéphane Koch also intervenes in cases related to reputation management, informational assets protection of companies, business marks protection on the Internet, and in other problematic cases related with cybercriminality. He specialized in the field of competitive intelligence and handles several cases for companies. His also advises corporations or individuals on information strategy and influence.
Member of the Scientific Board of HES postgrade studies in Strategic Monitoring and Competitive Intelligence , he is a speaker and lecturer for various public and private training institutions. His teaching fields cover the main directions of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT’s), i.e. : marketing, communication, advertisement, public relations; usability, ergonomy, conception and referencing/positioning of web sites; information security. Specialised in strategic management of information, he delivers a course on « offensive » and « diverted » uses of information via the Internet within several schools.
He trains Public Relations professionals, such as
PR officers and PR specialists in the fields of information technology issues management and information perception management.
Due to his skills, he is often invited
to think thanks and conferences such as the “XIIIrd International Symposium of Military History and Military Prospective» in which he gave a presentation on: « Information Society: Between Guerilla and Terrorism, a New Definition of Power Differentials» ; " Thunderbird Europe " on : Hacktivism, Risk and Reputation management on the Information Society ; Internet Global Congress IGC/INET 2004, Barcelona .on : Hoaxes and Rumors, the social engineering approach . In June 2004, he took part in the 3rd Session of the Risk and Security Exchange - Real & Virtual War: CIIP & the Public / Private Collaboration. In November 2004 he organized and moderated a conference (in French) on: "Terrorism, hostages, collective disasters, behavioral disorders : how to manage human risk ? Between reality and media exaggerations, what are the new risks incurred by companies ? How can they assess the threat in an appropriate way ?" . In February 2005 Risk and Security Exchange: Converging worlds of physical and IT security: what is their value to business? ".
President of Internet Society (ISOC) Geneva since 2001, Stéphane Koch was also active within the boards of the Swiss Society of Public Relations (French speaking section) and the Geneva Forum on Security untill May 2007. Involved since 1994 in projects related to Information Society, Stéphane Koch has acquired a strong experience in ICT fields. In this capacity, he was invited to sit within the Consultative Board of InfoSurance . Speaker, lecturer, and conferences organizer, he also took part in many studies and projects in relation with ICT’s throughout Europe.
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